Travel Apps for Low-Stress Travel Planning and Booking

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Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

I travel to 10 to 12 countries on self-planned trips each year while maintaining a full-time job. Phone travel apps have been great tools in helping me to keep stress low and because I love you all so much I want to share the apps that make traveling so frequently exponentially better for me. In this blog post, I will share the three different types of Travel Apps I use most frequently and why I love them oh so much.



So I must admit that I am kind of obsessed with Travel Deal Alerts. I love the fact that the flight deals and deeply discounted hotel rates come to me (rather than me having to hunt them down). As an added bonus, there are literally so many free alerts all over the place so I have a pretty hefty supply of Travel Deal Alert apps on my phone. If you want to learn more about the ones that I usually get the best results from, you should check out a recent blog post that I wrote on the topic here.


I am a high activity traveler. In fact, my motto is I can rest when I get home so I like to keep my flights, accommodations, car rentals and excursions organized. My favorite type of itinerary apps are those that also estimate travel time and site visitation time so I can get a sense of what makes the most sense to do each day. My current two favorite apps for this purpose are Trip Case and Trip Plan.


Lastly, as you know, I’m a fan of using as much non-cash resources as I possibly can to book travel so I like to use apps that allow me to keep track of the cash and non-cash resources that I have stashed for my vacations. Resource Management Apps help me keep track of how much money and non-cash resources I have available to take my vacations and how much of my annual budget I have already spent toward my vacations. E-mail me at [email protected] if you want a list of my current favorite resource management apps.

What about you? What types of apps do you use most frequently for travel and what types of apps do you wish there? Let me know in the comments.

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